It require a great courage to undertake an adventure only a man with courage can face difficulties in life. Write a article on courage.
A person possesses two types of courage, one is physical and other is mental. Physical courage encourages the man to do works of risk like rocket manufacturing, launching satellites.
It encourages man to discover the other planets of the universe and all types of laborious works.
Moral or mental courage is found in man only. It enables man to select right or wrong and to act according to his will.
As moral courage is a rare virtue. By the help of moral courage he selects the right path, may it be opposite to public opinion. He may have to face many troubles for the right path he has selected.
In comparison to physical courage, moral courage is far superior. A man with a moral courage always does right under all circumstances. For the development of the society he may have to face criticism and opposition but he never bows to it.
Jesus Christ had a rare moral courage and He taught people to lead the path of truth to achieve their goal of life, but he had to face a tough opposition from the persons who were losing their strength due to his sermons.