it's class 9th question

Yes I agree that schools today have more fun than the school in the story becouse students in story could not share their problems with friends, they have to sit in front of mechanical teacher they can't talk to each other they can't play with each other in playground the students today can play with each other talk to each other
There is no doubt that today's schools are more funny than the future school discussed in the story. This school has nothing but a mechanical teacher with no emotions and sentiments. It does not have the ability to understand the psychology of a child moreover, it guides a pupil according to its adjusted modes. But today's schools work for the overall development of a child. They learn the same thing. The teachers are real human beings. They leam how to adopt themselves to the new surroundings and cope with strangers . the students sit and leam together. These activities don't give vent to the feelings of depression, alienation and segregation.