English, asked by chanyalrajat, 8 months ago

it's not cool to be fat, but the has not prevered an obesity epidemic from occurring
among America's youth Chilchood obasity increased from 5% in 1964 to about 13% in
1994. Today it is anout 20.- and nising Children, an average, spend up to five to six
hours a day involved in sede ftary activities like watching television, using the computer,
and piaying video games, which is partly to blame for this escalating rate. Perhaps it
woulBra matter if they were sufficiently active at other times, but most of them aren't.
To make matters worse, children are bombarded with TV ads from fast food chains and
othe/purveyors of high fat, high sugar meals and snacks. These highly effective
advertising campaigns, combined with a physically inactive lifestyle, have produced a
generation of as who are at high risk for obesity associated medical conditions.
The major health ihreat is the early development of Type 2 diabetes (adult onset).
particularly in chiloten with a family history of disease. Doctors are reporting a surge in
young adolescent developing Type 2 diabetes - which can lead to heart disease, high
blood pressure, kichey disease, stroke, limb amputations, and blindness. People who
develop diabetes In adolescence face a diminished quality of life and shortened ife
span, particularly if the diseate progresses untreated. It's a scary prospect for our
children, Sut, in many cases, obesity and diabetes are preventable,
When children are spending most of their free time sitting in front of televisions and
coinputers, they are not outside running, jumping or engaging in team sports that would
keep their weight down. Parents need to set limits on the time their children are
engaged in passive activities. Paediatricians recommend restricting children to one to
two hours per day on TV and computers combined - though older children may need
additional time for learning activities.
Parental involvement remains the most important key to our children's healthy diets
Programmes to educate parents about nutrition are essential. Fast foods should be
consumed only in moderation. Caregivers, who are often busy and harried, must avoid
the temptation to whisk their kids into fast-food restaurants or to pick up fast food for
dinner at home. Changing eating habits and lifestyles is not easy, but the health benefit
for our children is a wonderful payoff for parents willing to take on the task
() On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following watements by
choosing the correct options. (1x6-6)
One of the major reasons behind obesity among children is
(a) studying (b) playing indoor games
fatheir sedentary lifestyle (d) eating fast foods


Answered by freefirepros1


Physical Features Of India

Describe the division of Northern plains regions based on the variations in relief. ... (iii)Bhangar plain:The largest part of the northern plain is formed of older alluvium. They lie above the flood plains of the rivers and present a terrace like feature. This part is known as bhangar.

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