why there is gap between synapse ?
The gap is an essential feature of the synaps, to make it an unidirectional switch between neurons.
The synaps, with its synaptic cleft, establishes the contact between two neurons in such a way that the electrical signal can travel from one neuron to the next one only in a one way fashion.
The primary neuron, when excited, releases a neurotransmitter in the cleft; it reaches the neurotransmittor receptors of the secondary neuron at the other side of the cleft and thus excites the secondary neuron. Thus the secondary neuron cannot excite the primary one back via the same route.
The gap between the two neurons is called the synapse. ... The gap between the two neurons is called the synapse. In the synapse, conversion of electrical impulse to chemical impulse takes place. If there was no synapse then it would be impossible or difficult to convert the electrical signal into the chemical signal