“It takes 1000-3000 litres of water to produce just one kilo of rice¨ This fact given by
FAO of UN speaks volumes on present day water crisis. How?
Well, that is a true fact given by the
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. For
producing 1 kg of rice, around 1000-3000 litres of water are used. For producing 1 kg of wheat between 500 and
4000 litres of water are required. Similarly, for many other crops and materials thousands
of litres are used up.
The land being irrigated is vast and around 277 million hectares. The area has increased over the last century. The rain-dependent agriculture is reduced a lot and will become half in next 4 years. Further, due to reduction in rainfall, underground water is used more. So farmers have increased the use of underground water. Further, use of water is growing faster than twice of population increase rate.
Further, the global warming and other reasons have warmed up Earth's surface. So water in the soil gets evaporated more than in the last century.
Around 3.8 trillion cubic meters of water is used by people annually on Earth. Around 70% of fresh water goes into agricultural sector. Even meat production requires 5000 litres to 20,000 litres for 1 kg.
It seems that nearly 30% of all food produced in the world in all forms together, is wasted every year. That is over 1 billion tonnes of all food. The reasons and locations of wastage are wide-spread. Thus even wastage of food is one reason for excess consumption of water. If wastage is avoided, then less food needs to be produced and less water will be consumed.
Also, there are poor drainage and irrigation practices in backward countries. So waterlogging on fields and salinization of irrigation lands is increasing.
Due to overuse of water, by 2025, FAO, UN predicts that a billion people may live with severe water scarcity.
All this informs us that we need to find better foods and better ways of food production and save water.