English, asked by sunilhazarika077, 1 month ago

it was an extraordinary thing in those days what was the extraordinary thing according to gandhi in the lesson indigo?


Answered by IIBrainlyArpitII


The extraordinary thing according to gandhiji in those days was getting shelter form government professor to a person who opposed the government.

Answered by sourasghotekar123


It was unusual in those days for a government academic to provide sanctuary to someone who criticized the government.


Indigo narrative takes place in 1916, when Gandhi steps in to assist a group of destitute peasants from Champaran. It describes his fight to offer them justice and equality.

Thus, it begins with the majority of Champaran's arable land, which is divided into a big estate. The estate's owners are Englishmen, and the labourers are Indian tenants.

The commercial crop on this land was Indigo but as Germany started developing synthetic Indigo, British stop the growth of the Indigo due to which many poor people was suffered.

Gandhi was condemned them for charging sharecroppers exorbitant fees. He emphasised counselling because it will give the peasants the courage they need to face their fears.

After a year of fighting for the peasants, he finally gets justice. He has also organised for education, health, and cleanliness for the underprivileged peasant households. Finally, he instils in them the importance of self-sufficiency and self-confidence.


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