It was evening in the picturesque seaside town of Rameshwaram, on the southern edge of Tamil Nadu. A cool breeze was gently blowing in from the sea. Along with the sound of waves lapping against the shore could be heard the sweet sound of birds circling overhead. Among the children playing on the beach was a boy with wavy hair and dreamy eyes. This youngster was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam who later became the eleventh President of India. While spending time with his friends, Abdul was attracted by the sound of the birds flying above. He carefully observed that a fledgling perched on a boat was trying to take off. It spread its wings, fluttered briefly and sprang up. The air seemed to give the needed thrust for its take off! The bird soared up into the sky. It steered its pace and course with great ease. How Abdul wished he could fly like those beauties in the air. This passion for flying, aroused by the beautiful birds, later inspired Abdul Kalam to design India’s first rocket which successfully sent a satellite Rohini, into orbit on 18th July 1980. It was called the SLV-3 (Satellite Launch Vehicle).
At the time when Abdul was growing up, no one had even dreamt of such a happening. Rameshwaram, where Abdul was bom on 15th October 1931, was a small town with narrow streets lined with old houses made of limestone and brick. The town was famous for its Shiva Temple. Abdul stayed in the house with his father, mother, brothers and sister and led a secure and happy childhood. Abdul’s father, Jainulabdeen was a pious man. He led an austere life without depriving his family of the basic comforts. In this closely knit family, dinner was always a special meal. During dinner they exchanged views on a variety of topics ranging from family matters to spiritual subjects.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
Who does this passage tell us about ?
What inspired Abdul to design a rocket ?
What was SLV-3 ?
Where did Abdul spend his childhood ?
Why was dinner a special meal in the Kalam’s family ?
Answered by
1.About succes ful
3.satelite launch vehicle
4.In rameshwaram tamilnadu
5 During dinner they exchanged views on avariety of topics ranging from family matters to spirtual
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