It would be ungrateful not to recognise
how immense are the boons, which
science has given to mankind. It has
brought within the reach of multitudes,
benefits and advantages which only a
short time ago were the privilege of the
few. It has shown how malnutrition,
hunger and disease can be overcome.
It has not only lengthened life but
it has deepened its quality. Fields of
knowledge, experience and recreation
open in the past only a few, have been
thrown open to millions. Through the
work of science the ordinary man today
has been given the opportunity of a
longer and fuller life then was over
possible to his grandparents.
Answered by
It is greatfull to say that science had given a lot to the mankind.This had brought many advantages,benefits,and privilage of society at a short period of time.It has also shown how to overcome from malnutrition,hunger and diseases.It has not only legendry but also depends life of quality.The few knowledge has been thrown in millions in very few time.The knowledge is gain by every person or students in each society.with the help of science and technology an ordinary man who was nothing before now has been given a opportunity to do longer and fuller his life than was over possible to his grandparents.
Thnkyou i hope it might help you!!
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