Social Sciences, asked by forever5663, 9 months ago

इटली का बिस्मार्क किसे कहते हैं


Answered by agrippa



Count Cavour was Italian politician and played an important role in the Unification of Italy. He was born in Turin. He first worked as a military officer and later travelled Europe o see the effects of Industrial revolution. Those trips allowed him to understand the principle of the British Liberal system. He returned from the trip after four years. He remained the prime minister of Kingdom of Sardinia during Garibaldi's campaigns to unite Italy and Second Italian War of Independence.

He also became the prime minister of Italy once after the formation of United Italy. He had introduced many economic reforms in Piedmont during his earlier years and founded the famous newspaper Risorgimento.  

He rose through the ranks in the Piedmontese government after his election to the chamber of Deputies and later became prime minister of Piedmont in 1852. During his prime minister ship he led negotiations for Piedmont through the Second Italian war of Independence and Crimean war to make Piedmont a powerful state by the unification, after unification the area of united Italy was five times larger that Piedmont. English historians consider him most successful parliamentarian in Italian history. Due to his contribution in Italian history he is also called Bismark of Italy.

Answered by dackpower

काउंट कैमिलो डि कैवोर को इटली के बिस्मार्क के रूप में जाना जाता था।


कैवोर एक उदार पार्टी के संस्थापक और इतालवी एकीकरण आंदोलन के मुख्य नेता थे। इटली के एकीकरण के बाद, वह "इटली के प्रधान मंत्री" बने, लेकिन केवल तीन महीने बाद ही उनकी मृत्यु हो गई।

अपने जीवन की शुरुआती अवधि से, वे उदार विचारधारा से प्रभावित थे और निरंकुश लोकतंत्र और धार्मिक कट्टरता। अध्ययन और विदेशी दौरे ने उन्हें नए युग के नए विचारों और तथ्यों से परिचित कराया।

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