Social Sciences, asked by gaurav661, 1 year ago

(in democracy representatives are only one who going to take decision on the half of people / public)

justify the statement with proper description

Don't give foolishly answer


Answered by ThatBohoGirl
Hey there!!
Your required answer is÷
Democracy is a form of government in which rulers are elected by the people. All the people do not rule in a democracy, but a majority of people are allowed to take decisions on behalf of all the people. These majority of people are supposed to represent the will of the people.

In a democracy, the final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people because it is good for a country and its citizens. If any country formally have an elected parliament and government but the real power rests with those who are not elected, then this cannot be called people's rule.

We have an example of Pakistan where Military dictator General Parvez Musharraf led a military coup in 1999. He overthrew a democratic elected government and declared himself the Chief Executive of the country. Later he changed his designation to President and in 2002, he held a referendum in the country that granted him a five year extension. This is against the will of the people.

So, It is necessary that the final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people as democracy improves the quality of decision making and it is a more accountable form of government.
Hppe this helps you
Mark as brainliest
Answered by Anonymous

System of government in which citizens vote directly in or elect representatives to form a governing body, sometimes called "rule of the majority"

Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried. ~ Winston Churchill

The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections. ~ Lord Acton

I believe in democracy, but in real democracy, not a phony democracy in which just powerful people can speak. For me, in a democracy everyone speaks. ~ Augusto Boal

Human affairs have scarcely ever been so happily constituted as that the better course pleased the greater number. Hence the private vices of the multitude have generally resulted in public error. ~ John Calvin

So two cheers for Democracy: one because it admits variety and two because it permits criticism. ~ E. M. Forster

The great ability of those who are in control in the modern world lies in making the people believe that they are governing themselves; and the people are the more inclined to believe this as they are flattered by it. ~ René Guénon

Economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination, ... but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy. ~ Martin Gilens andBenjamin

The essence of a U.S.A. totalitarian socio-political capitalism is concealed behind the illusion of a mass participatory society. We must rip away its mask. ~ George L. Jackson

While the US pays lip service to democracy, the real commitment is to "private, capitalist enterprise." When the rights of investors are threatened, democracy has to go; if these rights are safeguarded, killers and torturers will do just fine. ~ Noam Chomsky

When citizens are relatively equal, politics has tended to be fairly democratic. When a few individuals hold enormous amounts of wealth, democracy suffers. The reason for this pattern is simple. Through campaign contributions, lobbying, influence over public discourse, and other means, wealth can be translated into political power. When wealth is highly concentrated—that is, when a few individuals have enormous amounts of money—political power tends to be highly concentrated, too. The wealthy few tend to rule. Average citizens lose political power. Democracy declines. ~ Benjamin I. Page and Martin Gilens

An electoral choice of ten different fascists is like choosing which way one wishes to die. The holder of so-called high public office is always merely an extension of the hated ruling corporate class. ~ George L. Jackson

Democracy is the power of equal votes for unequal minds. ~ Charles I

The public, therefore, among a democratic people, has a singular power, which aristocratic nations cannot conceive; for it does not persuade others to its beliefs, but it imposes them and makes them permeate the thinking of everyone by a sort of enormous pressure of the mind of all upon the individual intelligence. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville

We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both. ~ Louis Brandeis

Socialism without democracy is pseudo-socialism, just as democracy without socialism is pseudo-democracy. ~ Wilhelm Liebknecht

Democracy is a form of government in which power ultimately comes from the people who are governed, either through direct voting or through elected representatives. A democracy can range from a liberal direct democracy to an illiberal totalitarian democracy.

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