English, asked by shipramathur, 4 months ago

its just human earth that we defile..

no men foreign
grade 9 beehive​


Answered by radhika6719


It is the human earth that we defile. ... He says that if we, the guardians of the earth, were to die out as a result of the war, then there would no one left to take care of the home that our ancestors had passed down to us. We would then have nothing to pass down to our own future generations.

Answered by praneetgopnarayan2


i think to date you I am in 10 bye the way your ans below


It is the human earth that we defile. Of air that is everywhere our own, Remember, no men are foreign, and nocountries strange. We should keep in mind that whenever we pick weapons against any person, we make the Earthdirty because weapons kill people andtheir bodies which fall on the Earthmake it dirty.

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