IUPAC Name of, (сн3)2, CH - CH2 – CH3, Br
single chemical compound can have several acceptable systematic names and the systematic method of naming organic chemical compounds is called IUPAC Nomenclature but no two compounds can have the same.
Rules underlying IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes are discussed below
The longest hydrocarbon chain is selected and is termed as parent chain in case of alkanes.
For alkanes suffix ‘-ane’ is used, for alkenes, suffix ‘-ene’ is used and suffix ‘yne’ is used for alkynes.
The parent chain is numbered such that we reach to the double-bonded or triple bonded carbon atom earliest. The position of the carbon atom with the double bond is mentioned in numerals.
Number the longest carbon chain such that the carbon atom to which the halogen is attached get the lowest number.
Given compound is
CH3CH = CH – CH2Br
i hope it helps you
Answer:A single chemical compound can have several acceptable systematic names and the systematic method of naming organic chemical compounds is called IUPAC Nomenclature but no two compounds can have the same.
Rules underlying IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes are discussed below
The longest hydrocarbon chain is selected and is termed as parent chain in case of alkanes.
For alkanes suffix ‘-ane’ is used, for alkenes, suffix ‘-ene’ is used and suffix ‘yne’ is used for alkynes.
The parent chain is numbered such that we reach to the double-bonded or triple bonded carbon atom earliest. The position of the carbon atom with the double bond is mentioned in numerals.
Number the longest carbon chain such that the carbon atom to which the halogen is attached get the lowest number.
Given compound is
CH3CH = CH – CH2Br
The IUPAC name of the compound is 1-Bromo-2-butene.