Iupac name
What is the iupac name of this compound
IUPAC name is 3 - butyl - 4 - ethyl - hept - 6 - ene - 1- yne .
We have bond line structure.
- We will write it's condensed formula for writing IUPAC name .
It's Condensed structural formula is given in attachment.
Steps how we have write the IUPAC name :
Step 1 :
We have selected such a longest carbon chain as parent chain which contains maximum number of multiple bonds. [Refer to the attachment]
Step 2 :
We have done the numbering of chain from that end, from which multiple bonds come first followed by side chain. [Refer to the attachment]
Step 3 :
We know rule for writing IUPAC name :
Prefixes (for side chain) + Root word (For parent chains) + Primary suffixes (-ane, -ene and -yne)
There is one complex side chain on 3rd carbon atom. There are four carbon atoms in complex side chain. So Root word for this will be 'But' and it is a side chain. So, IUPAC name for this complex side chain is Butyl .
And, there is one more side chain - ethyl on 4th carbon atom.
Prefix is 3 - butyl - 4 - ethyl
There are 7 carbon atoms.
So, Root word is hept .
There is double bond on 6th carbon atom and triple bond on 1st carbon atom.
So, P. suffix is 6 - ene - 1 - yne .
Add them :
→ 3 - butyl - 4 - ethyl - hept - 6 - ene - 1- yne
IUPAC name is 3 - butyl - 4 - ethyl - hept - 6 - ene - 1- yne .
5-Butyl 4-Ethyl Hept-1-ene-6-yne
- The main carbon chain is 7 carbons long and we have to include both the double bonds in the main chain.
- There will be a butyl group at 5th carbon and an ethyl group at 4th carbon.
- Double bonds have a higher priority in naming of 2 bonds are present at terminal positions.
- Thus the name will be 5-Butyl 4-Ethyl Hept-1-ene-6-yne