IUPAT nomiculature more than 100
Nomenclature of Elements of Atomic Numbers greater than 100
Nomenclature of Elements of Atomic Numbers greater than 100The roots are put together in the order of the digits which make up the atomic number and terminated by 'ium' to spell out the name.
IUPAC name of the element (Atomic Number >100) is dependent on its atomic number. The given table gives the code for the given number. Write the codes in the order of digits and add ium at end to get the name of an element.
Example: Let us take element with atomic number 108.
Code for 1 is un
Code for 0 is nil
Code for 8 is oct
Hence, the name of the element is un + nil + oct + ium (ending code) = unniloctium
Note: If the last digit code ends with i then add um as ending code instead of ium Example: 102 - Unnilbium
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