English, asked by anuradhaghosh67, 9 months ago

(40 Marks)
(8 marks)
1. Read the following passage carefully :
1. Where have we come from? Who has sent us here and for what purpose ? What will be
our duration here? Does God exist, and if He does, where and how can we find Him ? These are
some of the questions that confronted me at some point of time in my life. In my quest to find
convincing answers to these questions, I attended spiritual gatherings and meetings to hear
masters and gurus talk on the subject. But my questions remained unanswered.
2. For several days, I got up early in the morning and sat in meditation but I found it very
difficult. Most of the time I dozed off. During whatever little time I remained alert, my mind
wandered here and there. I found it difficult to remain free from thoughts even for a few
moments. The struggle left me exhausted. I even toyed with the idea of retiring to the
Himalayas for spiritual practices, but my family responsibilities held me back
3. My repeated failures to understand my own mind were disappointing, especially when
my intentions were honest and strong. I decided to look within myself. I found that I was not
immune to worldly temptations. It was difficult for me to overcome these habits, as without
such simple pleasures, I found life not worth living.
4. Then I realised that I had to find answers to my questions in my own way. God cannot
ignore a layman and reveal Himself only to a few spiritual leaders and gurus as long as the
desire to seek Him is sincere. Also to be worthy of being God, He has to remain impartial.
5. Then in one breakthrough moment, I stopped searching for God the way others did. I
decided to find God in my own way, the way I could understand Him. I simplified my concept of
God. For me. God is that which makes my life and living possible. God is that in whose absence.
the flow of my life will not be as smooth as it is today. All the things that make my life possible, i call them god! ​



Answered by mayankchaudhary43


aree short mein likho

Answered by komalSaharan


haa read ker liya ab kya


aagy kya????

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