English, asked by imrp8085, 5 months ago

IV. & Wate
milarities and two differences between Coconut tree and Palmyra
Palmyra tree
Palmyra tree​


Answered by saliankrithika1


A coconut tree is a palm tree. The coconuts are not actually nuts, but rather the fruit of this particular type of palm tree. A nut has a hard, outer, inedible shell. While it may seem that a coconut does, it doesn't in botanical terms.

A palm tree, in laymen terms, can refer to a lot of things. However, to be a TRUE palm tree, it must be an angiosperm. In other words, it must produce flowers. All flowers make some sort of fruit. You might not be able to see them (flower and/or fruit), but they are there. Palms also have a leaf type that is called a "frond," and they are all evergreen; they don't drop their leaves seasonally. The distinction of the coconut palm is simply that it makes a fruit we like to eat.

As a Florida native, I am familiar with a tree called the "Sabal" palm. While it looks like it might be a palm tree, it is not. It is "coniferous," which means it is cone-bearing. Conifers are not angiosperms. They don't have flowers. The cone itself usually functions as both the “flower” (the site of fertilization) and the seed carrier. Sabals ARE evergreen and DO have frondy leaves, but they are not angiosperms and thus NOT a true palm.

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