Biology, asked by mogeenthra2007, 4 months ago

IV. Assertion and reason :
The questions below consist of statements of an Assertion and a reason. Use the
following key to choose the appropriate answer:
A. If both assertion and reason are CORRECT and the reason is the CORRECT
explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are CORRECT but the reason is NOT THE
CORRECT explanation of the assertion.

C. If the assertion is CORRECTbut the reason is INCORRECT.

D. If assertion is INCORRECT but the reason is CORRECT.
E.If both assertion and reason are INCORRECT.

1. Assertion : Food materials should not be soaked in water for a long time.
Reason: Washing leads to loss of Vitamin A and vitamin D from the foodstuff.

2. Assertion : Earthworms are not good for agriculture​


Answered by singhkumarsusant

1.A. is correct.

2. अधूरा question है l

Answered by nirmaladevsaini


20 DEC 2020, Sunday

TIME: 10:11

Dear diary,

Topic: Rainy day plans

I recently went to my grandmother home at massori. The weather was cloudy and rainy. The raining give me sweet memories, I wall recalling old memories, I was getting blue when rain started. My family decided to make a picnic but raining wasn't like that I thought. It was raining like dogs and cats. The weather was chilled and thunderstorm. All my plans were delayed. I was lil bit sad but my sister call me and tell me to wear raincoat and shoes, I was confused but when I see her she was dancing in the rain. I was very happy when I was playing and doing "chum chum" in the rain water. I thought that all my plans would be delayed but I was also happy to play with rain. Good night.,

Arien Malhotra

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