English, asked by chinnilakshmi45, 9 months ago

IV. Creative writing. 'Story Development.' Write a story using following hints. 1 x 5 = 5

21. Tortoise and hare _____ good friedns ___ tortoise ____ known for his slow speed ____ hare has fast

speed ___ makes fun of tortoise __ challenges him ____ refere selected ___ race starts ___ have

over confident ___ takes a nap ___ tortoise wins​


Answered by prtypro



Answered by pb799991


tortoise and hare are good friends the tortoise was known asfor his slow speed of hare and fast. .

and the speed makes tortoise for challenges of him and he refered and selected the race .and the race starts between tortoise and hare

the tortoise was running fast and the hare was walking the tortoise think that that hare was coming slowly than I can take rest from the front of the tree the tortoise was sleeping deeply.

and the hare was walking fastly and silently without the sound and its was in the start point .

the tortoise was wake up and seeing the hare .the tortoise start running and behalf of the hare .and the hare was win the race .

so friends don't be overconfidence if you start a work .don't stop in middle the work is completely over after that you do another work.

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