Biology, asked by amarchand80622, 29 days ago

(iv) Explain briefly -
(a) PCR
(b) Restriction enzymes and DNA
(c) Chitinase
of for​


Answered by arshmeetkaur031
Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is a technique to make many copies of a specific DNA region in vitro (in a test tube rather than an organism). PCR relies on a thermostable DNA polymerase, Taq polymerase, and requires DNA primers designed specifically for the DNA region of interest.

A restriction enzyme is a DNA-cutting enzyme that recognizes specific sites in DNA. Many restriction enzymes make staggered cuts at or near their recognition sites, producing ends with a single-stranded overhang. If two DNA molecules have matching ends, they can be joined by the enzyme DNA ligase

Chitinases are enzymes that randomly cleave glycosidic linkages of GlcNAc to produce soluble oligosaccharides, mainly chitobiose, which are further hydrolyzed to GlcNAc by β-N-acetylglucosaminidases

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