Business Studies, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

(iv) Flexibile
(v) Mainly behavioural:
(vi) Cause and effect relationships:
(vii) Contingent:
Nature of Principles of

Management pts​



Answered by samiyafathima


FLEXIBILE; able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances.

Mainly Behavioural: The principles of management are directly concerned with human behaviour. The management activity is mainly concerned with management of man, who is a social animal having his own nature, desires and expectations which cannot be repressed or eliminated

A cause-effect relationship is a relationship in which one event causes another to happen. ... The cause must occur before the effect. Whenever the cause occurs, the effect must also occur. There must not be another factor that can explain the relationship between the cause and effect.


a group of people sharing a common feature, forming part of a larger group.

Management principles are formed to guide and influence the behaviour of employees. These principles insist on improving relationship between superior, subordinates and all the members of organisation. They also establish relations between human and material resources.

Answered by Anonymous


°°° FLEXIBLE = The principles of management are not rigid prescriptions, which have to be followed absolutely. They are flexible and can be modified by the manager when the situation so demands. They give the manager enough discretion to do so.Read more on Sarthaks.... °°°

°°° MAINLY BEHAVIOURAL = Management principles aim at influencing behaviour of human beings. Therefore, principles of management are mainly behavioural in nature. It is not that these principles do not pertain to things and phenomenon at all; it is just a matter of emphasis. Moreover, principles enable a better understanding of the relationship between human and material resources .°°°

°°° COUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP = The principles of management are intended to establish relationship between cause and effect so that they can be used in similar situations in a large number of cases. As such, they tell us if a particular principle was applied in a particular situation, what would be its likely effect. The principles of management are less than perfect since they mainly apply to human behaviour. In real life, situations are not identical.... °°°

°°° CONTINGENT = The application of principles of management is contingent or dependent upon the prevailing situation at a particular point of time. The application of principles has to be changed as per requirements....°°°


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