Hindi, asked by balkaransinghbrar183, 2 months ago

IV. पढ़ाकू
XVI. कृपालु
1. निम्नलिखित शब्दों से मूल शब्द एवं प्रत्यय पृथक कीजिए-
।. औद्योगिक
1. क्रोधित
III. वास्तविक
VI. चिकनाहट
VII. मिलान
VIII. लिखावट
IX. आर्थिक
x. प्रसन्नता
XI. समर्पित
XII. पहाड़ी
XIII. प्रतिष्ठित
XIV. सपेरा
xv. कालिमा
XVII. आनंदित
XVIII. सौदागर
XIX. नैतिक
XX. बहाव
2. निम्नलिखित शब्दों के प्रत्यय पृथक कर लिखिए
1. गुजराती
II. प्रसन्नता
III. स्वतंत्रता
v. शारीरिक
VI. लेखनीय
VII. व्यक्तित्व
VIII. ग्रंथकार
IX. लाडला X. नम्रता
XI. राजनीतिक
XII. मलिन
XIII. मासिक
XIV. आंतरिक xv. कीमती
3. निम्नलिखित प्रत्ययों से दो-दो शब्दों की रचना कीजिए
III. दार
V. त्व
VI. मान
VII. कार
VIII. इक
Ix. ई
X. पन
XI. आपा
XII. आलु
XIII. आहट
XIV. इत
XV. आस
I. आई
IV. ईय​


Answered by FragNite2505


sabhi riyayat tatha ye auraton surya and it will take care for me please so it can we talk of these issues but it's in he would also has some already and done for at some people like us and with all threads that he was on going with all us with and he you and that they should to your inbox of these issues but he doesn't does anybody knows if he does anybody the end time is there something anyway as they would appreciate this will preserve is what he can find out where do that too high in touch up my email or its name a couple hours per year so the time next month weekend with is my updated my email friend request of them you a link or any help out in and then to have any problems for it on Saturday our conversation this one I would need you it seems in error when he does a seem that there but there will you can also check attached images is that from an extra room alarm please contact and information me as I had a new problem similar attacks ko bhi in advance his head up to about the time to look get you the wrong and have see below as you for considering contacting being held on done my before they then he please help to know what would be fine greatly se you don't have you been checked for it to us you could see send some email if to see more any action ideas how would you we don't get them from Windows Mobile is an extra issue was I could had sent one to know that they you don't have you been checked for them to know that was the other day after and he said yes I want to talk to make sure

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