English, asked by sakeenabanu112, 7 hours ago

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10x1=10

Japan is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It lies off the Northeast coast of mainland

Asia and faces the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), Korea and China. Four large

Islands and thousands of smaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands – Hokkaido, Honshu,

Kyushu and Shikoku – form a curve. More than 120 million people are crowded on these Islands,

making Japan one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

The Japanese call their country Nippon or Nihon which means ―Source of the Sun‖. The name

Japan may have come from ‗Zipangu‘, the Italian name given by Marco Polo, a venetian traveler of

the late 1200‘s. Marco Polo had heard of the Japanese Islands while traveling through China. Life in

Japan reflects the culture of both the East and the West. The Japanese have always placed great

importance to their clothes, though most of them wear western style of clothing outside, they still

wear traditional garment which is called ‗Kimonos‘ and is compulsorily worn during festivals, on

holidays, and on other special occasions, a Japanese man ever wears wide, pleated trousers called

‗Hakama‘ with a short wide sleeved coat called a Hoori. Traditional Japanese footwear includes

wooden clogs called ‗Geta‘ and flat sandals known as ‗Zori‘. The main food of the Japanese people

is rice. It is often boiled and eaten with pickled vegetables. Japan‘s oldest religion is ‗Shinto‘ which

means the way of the Gods. It is their native religion and dates from prehistoric times. Shintoists

worship many gods called ‗Kami‘ which are found in mountains, rivers, rocks, trees and other parts

of nature.

World War II left Japan completely defeated. Many Japanese cities lay in ruins, industries were

shattered and Allied Forces occupied the country. But the skillful Japanese people worked hard to

overcome the effects of the war. By the late 1960‘s Japan had become a great industrial nation. The

success of the Japanese economy has won the admiration of countries through the world. Today, few

people enjoy a higher standard of living than do the Japanese.24. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

a. Mention any one of the countries facing Japan.

b. From which language did the name ‗Japan‘ originate?

c. Name the traditional garment of Japanese.

d. Which popular traveler‘s name is mentioned in the passage?

e. What does the word ‗Geta‘ mean?

f. Give the meaning of ‗Shinto‘.

g. Japanese are highly ___________ (admire/admired) all over the world.

h. Who revived the loss faced by Japan during the II World War?
i. Add prefix to the word ‗occupied‘ to form its antonym.

j. Who occupied Japan after the World War II?​


Answered by huzefalance6


Japan is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean It lies of the Northeast coast of mainland Asia and faces the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic ( USSR ) , Korca and China Four Large


The four major islands - Hokkaido , Honshu Kynshu and Shikoku - form a curve More than 120 million people are crowded on these Islands , making Japan one of the most densely populated countries in the world The Japanese call their country Nippon or Nihon

Answered by lavanya170709


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