(iv) What is meant by, "than customary bounty can enforce you"? Why was the "gentleman" in need of this bounty? What relief has to be immediately sent to the gentleman?
The "true gentleman" is Antonio. Antonio is in need of relief because he has lost his merchant ships at sea and is about to go bankrupt. This leaves him vulnerable to Shylock and his bond. Shylock will want his pound of flesh!
Than customary bounty can enforce you means that your usual generosity that make you to help others will make you i.e. prouder of your work as this time the person whom you help is a true gentleman i.e. Antonio.
Antonio was the gentleman in need of this bounty because he lost his merchandise ship which were richly laden with goods and his creditors became cruel. Schlock with whom he has taken loan for Bassanio now seek for a pound os flesh from his body as a penalty for breaking the bond.
The relief send by Portia to Antonio was that he told his husband Bassanio to pay double the amount or triple the amount you have taken from Shylock with the help of your best friend Antonio and cancel the bond before he loses a hair because of Bassanio.
Meaning of customary bounty is usual generosity