Physics, asked by khurramsaeed, 7 months ago

(iv) X-rays wave length ranges
*1.0 am to 0.1 mm
$0.1 nm to 0.001
*1.0 mm to 0.01 nm
(V) Nucleus of this atom is called a-particle.
Helium *Uranium *Polonium *Radium
(vi) A one standing on its base is an example of this type of
Equilibrium: Stable
*Unstable *Kinetic
(vii) Orbital velocity of a satellite near the surface of the earth is:
*9270 km/s *9720 kom/s *7920 km/s *7290 km/s
(viii) Which one has maximum elastic limit?
* Crown glass
*Steel *Iron *Brass
(ix) The minimum distance between sound and barrier for distinct
echo is: *17 m *20 m *23 m *27 m
(x) Which one has maximum index of refraction?:
*Diamond *Air
(xi) It is a device which converts electrical energy inot mechanical
*Electric Coil Electric Generator *Solenoid Electric Motor
(xii) 1 micro gram =
*10 kg 10 kg
*10kg *10" kg
(xiii) If the speed of a body moving in a circle is doubled, its
centripetal acceleration becomes:
*Twice *Four times *Eight Times *Three times
(xiv) Which is the best approximation of the weight of an object of
mass 800 gram?
* 88 N
*80 N *8 N *0.8 N
(XY) Specific heat of ice is:
*4200 JK, 'K
*21004200 Jkg 'k
*4300 Jkg 'K' *4100 Jkg 'k
(xvb) The work will be negative if the angle between force and
displacement is: **90° *180*
(xvii) if Q-6 em and p=3 cm then the magnification of the mirror is:
*4 *2


Answered by md6770625


okay now clear this question of solution

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