English, asked by mohmmadarmaan0, 3 months ago

j. Venus's flytrap
iv. Neem
Which of these is not an example of symbiotic relationship?
i. Rhizobium and roots of pea plant
ii. fungus and decaying matter
iii. an oxpecker and a rhinoceros
iv, a pitcher plant and insects
Fill in the blanks.
a) The ultimate source of energy on the earth is
b) Organisms which obtain their nutrition from other organisms are called
c) The green pigment in the leaves is
d) The food prepared by the leaves is stored as
e) The opening and closing of stomata is controlled by
is used to test the presence of starch.
g) A parasite derives its nutrition from its
h) Plants that obtain their food from dead and decaying matter are called
i) The plants that feed on insects are called
relationship, both organisms get benefit from each othe
j) In a
Match the following:
a) chlorophy!
b) saprophyte
c) parasite
d) nitrogen fixing
i. Rhizobium
ii. pitcher plant
iii. photosynthesis
iv. bread mould
Y, mistletoe​


Answered by yadavjawahar082


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