जब दी गई संख्याओं को निकटतम हजार तक सन्निकट किया जाता है तो 4251 और 1098 का आकलित योग बताइए
When the given numbers are rounded off to the nearest thousand, then the calculated sum of 4251 and 1098 is
First number = 4251
We are now rounded off the given number to the nearest thousand
Since the digit at hundred place = 2
Now 2 < 5
Thus rounding off the number 4251 to the nearest thousand = 4000
Second number = 1098
We are now rounded off the given number to the nearest thousand
Since the digit at hundred place = 0
Now 0 < 5
Thus rounding off the number 1098 to the nearest thousand = 1000
Hence the required sum
= 4000 + 1000
= 5000
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