Social Sciences, asked by saabpreet97871, 10 months ago

jagtar singh asked his student About the struggle wich had been going on for almost two hundred years the center of this struggle was modern uttar pradesh.can you tell the topic on what jagtar Singh ask his students to write an article opposition are the first battle of tarain, the second bettle of tarain, battle of kanauj, second battle of panipat ​


Answered by Anonymous


  • During July 2015, water samples were collected from 18 wetlands on the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation in northeastern South Dakota and southeastern North Dakota and analyzed for physical properties and 54 pesticides. This study by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate was designed to provide an update on pesticide concentrations of the same 18 wetlands that were sampled for a reconnaissance-level assessment during July 2006. The purpose of this report is to present the results of the assessment of pesticide concentrations in selected Lake Traverse Indian Reservation wetlands during July 2015 and provide a comparison of pesticide concentrations between 2006 and 2015.Of the 54 pesticides that were analyzed for in the samples collected during July 2015, 47 pesticides were not detected in any samples. Seven pesticides—2-chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine (CIAT); 2,4–D; acetachlor; atrazine; glyphosate; metolachlor; and prometon—were detected in the 2015 samples with estimated concentrations or concentrations greater than the laboratory reporting level, and most pesticides were detected at low concentrations in only a few samples. Samples from all wetlands contained at least one detected pesticide. The maximum number of pesticides detected in a wetland sample was six, and the median number of pesticides detected was three.The most commonly detected pesticides in the 2015 samples were atrazine and the atrazine degradate CIAT (also known as deethylatrazine), which were detected in 14 and 13 of the wetlands sampled, respectively. Glyphosate was detected in samples from 11 wetlands, and metolachlor was detected in samples from 10 wetlands. The other detected pesticides were 2,4–D (4 wetlands), acetochlor (3 wetlands), and prometon (1 wetland).The same pesticides that were detected in the 2006 samples were detected in the 2015 samples, with the exception of simazine, which was detected only in one sample in 2006
Answered by Anonymous

Jagtar Singh was emphasizing on the Battle of Kanauj.

  • The Battle of Kanauj was undertaken in Uttar Pradesh in the year 1540.
  • There was a rivalry between the Mughal emperor Humayun and Afghanistan's Shershah Suri. Prior to the Battle of Kannauj, Humayun and Sher Shah were similarly involved in the Battle of Chausa.
  • The Mughal Artillery did not engage in any active part in this historic battle because when Sher Khan initiated the offensive, it could not be brought to the social front. Humayun had not commenced the possible assault for a particular month in the case of Kanauj as well.  
  • The Kanauj Fight was fought fiercely and typically lost. Humayun instantly became a fugitive and the undisputed leader of Agra and Delhi became Sher Khan.
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