Janvi bought a coffee shop for Rs 21,30,000 and invested Rs 2,70,000 for renovation. Then she sold the coffee shop for Rs 25,80,000. Find his profit and profit percent.
profit = 1,80,000
profit% = 7.5%
Step-by-step explanation:
amount on which coffee shop is bought = rs 21,30,000
amount of renovation = rs 2,70,000
=> total investment = rs 24,00,000
selling price of the coffee shop = rs 25,80,000
thus, profit = rs 25,80,000 - 24,00,000 = rs 1,80,000
now, profit % = profit / cost price( or total investment) x 100
=> profit % = 1,80,000 / 24,00,000 x 100 = 7.5%
Profit= 1,80,000 and profit% = 7.5%
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
amount on which coffee shop is bought = rs 21,30,000
amount of renovation = rs 2,70,000
=> total investment = rs 24,00,000
selling price of the coffee shop = rs 25,80,000
thus, profit = rs 25,80,000 - 24,00,000 = rs 1,80,000
now, profit % = profit / cost price( or total investment) x 100
=> profit % = 1,80,000 / 24,00,000 x 100 = 7.5%