जर्मनी में हिटलर के उदय के क्या कारण थे
हिटलर के उदय के कारण बताइए? आर्थिक संकट: 1929 की महामंदी ने जर्मनी की अर्थव्यवस्था को नुकसान पहुँचाया। बेरोज़गारी मूल्य वृद्धि, व्यापार व वाणिज्य का पतन हुआ। हिटलर का व्यक्तित्व: हिटलर का प्रभावशाली व्यक्तित्व, उसका बढ़िया वक्ता होना तथा बढ़िया संगठन कर्ता होना, हिटलर के उदय में सहायक बना।
after the first world war Germany has to face many problems mainly economical:-
•after defeat in the first world war Germany has to pay 6 billion pounds of money to Allies which created scarcity of of capital in Germany
•due to the treaty of Versailles the Germany has to face many problems it loses it's coal from the France and loses rhineland ,lituania ,Latvia.
•Germany was demilitarised by the Allies to control is power whitch deprived the defence in Germany
•the economic crisis of 1929 to 1932 furied Hitler the Germany was totally in the mouth of death Germany has faced many problems due to the war
•the circumstances in Germany give new birth to to rise of Hitler and Nazism rule