Hindi, asked by aahil720khan, 6 months ago

१)जतिन,अब ललित खेलेगा।
२)विराट क्रिकेट खेलता है।--
३) बच्चे मैदान में खेल रहें है।--
४) मनप्रीत हॉकी खेल रहा हैं।----
५) शिक्षिका बच्चों को फुटबॉल खिला रही है।-

tell which sentence is transative or intransitive


Answered by yendavasudhagmailcom


Underground, the material faced extremely high heat. With pressure, the matter began to transform into a substance called kerogen. With more heat, time and pressure, the kerogen transformed into a mix of hydrogen and carbon. This mix is called a hydrocarbon

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