English, asked by nkbaudh70, 1 year ago

Jealousy and rivalry prompted mrs packletide to shoot a tiger. Did she succeed in her aim? What price did she pay for her conduct


Answered by Anonymous
Yes, she succeded in her aim as she only wanted to outshown loona bimberten.She was jealous of her.When she came to know abut d achievement of loona bimberton she decided to hunt a tiger.She was ready to cross any obstacle 4 dat. She gave 1,000 rupees to the villagers 4 safe nd convenient hunting. Later, when she was blackmailed by Miss. Mebbin she had to buy her a cotttage in Darking. But her only nd only aim was to outshown loona bimberton.She wanted 2 show her rival dat she was more adventurous.She intended to giv her a tiger- claw brooch. She was successful in dat. Finally. Loona Bimberton feeling ambaress at the last when she attended d  party givn by Mrs. Packletide. 
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