English, asked by 9akunalkeswani, 2 months ago

Jerome was good in packing do you think so why or why not give answer in detail
proper answer ​


Answered by basumatary055


In spite of forgetting certain things to pack or getting confused about some things, Jerome seems to be the best packer


Jerome was good in packing ... because he knew how to arrange things in order. Though, he often forgets to pack certain things or gets confused, he knows what to keep first and what to keep last. On the other hand, Harris and George were horrible in packing both literally broke maximum things and messed up whole packing . Harris smashes tomato while packing the bottle of jam over it. George treads on butter and creates a mess all around. Then he tries to put it in the kettle. After this Harris sits on the butter kept on the chair. After the butter sticks to Harris’ behind both of them start searching for it.

They put lighter things at the bottom and heavier things at the top. This is like putting potatoes on top of tomatoes while shopping for vegetables.

Both George and Harris are equally horrendous in packing.

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