Jethalal purchased 35 machines for Rs 4300 each. To transport them to the shop, he spent Rs 2100. If he expects to make a profit of Rs 21000, at what price should he sell each machine ? solution for std 6th
Selling Price of each machine is RS.4960
Step-by-step explanation:
Cost price of 1 machine= RS.4300
Number of machines Jethalal purchased = 35
∴Cost price of 35 machines =4300 × 35
=1,50,500 RS.
Amount of money he spends = Rs.2100
Total cost price = Cost price of 35 machines + transportation expenses
= 1,50,500 + 2100
Profit = RS.21000
Selling price =total cost price + profit
∴Selling Price of 35 machines =1,52,600 +21,000
=1,73,600 RS.
Selling Price of 1 machine=selling price of 35 machines/total no.of machines
=1,73,600 /35
=4960 Rs.