English, asked by kashupip, 2 months ago

john waiting till the train arrive convert future continous​


Answered by mayur7814


A function is a process or a relation that associates each element x of a set X, the domain of the function, to a single element y of another set Y (possibly the same set), the codomain of the function.

Answered by mss18012


Study the sentence given below.

We will sail in an hour.

This sentence is in the simple future tense.

We can convert this sentence into the future continuous tense.

We will be sailing in an hour.

We form the simple future tense by putting the first form of the verb (infinitive without to) after will / shall.

She will come.

I will help you.

We make the future continuous tense by putting be + ing form of the verb after will/shall.

She will be coming.

I will be helping you.

Make sentences in the future continuous tense.

1. At this time tomorrow, I ..................................

will leave

would leave

will be leaving

2. The baby ....................................... soon.

will walk

would walk

will be walking

3. What ........................................... this evening?

will you do

will you be doing

4. Summer term ...................................... on 20th.

will start

will be starting

5. She ........................................ with us.

will come

will be coming

6. The plane ........................................... at 3 o’clock.

will leave

will be leaving

will have left

7. I .......................................... of you.

will think

will be thinking

would be thinking

8. He ............................................ the conference.

will attend

will be attending

would be attending


1. At this time tomorrow, I will be leaving.

2. The baby will be walking soon.

3. What will you be doing this evening?

4. Summer term will be starting on 20th.

5. She will be coming with us.

6. The plane will be leaving at 3 o’clock.

7. I will be thinking of you.

8. He will be attending the

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