English, asked by sambhavjain9813, 1 year ago

Joint family system of 250 words essay


Answered by mehboobpatel612


The joint family is so good to live together

Answered by ansarishazia13


When the members of the family are related to each other in religion,ancestor and property and are living together is called Joint family.


Joint family  have the relation like father, mother, brother, sister ,Grand Father ,Grand mother and so on.They all live together eat together.There will be one elder person who is the head of the house ,he/she keep watch on the family,and all other members  submit their earning to the elder one.

Head person usually take decision regarding the house and house members.

Joint family is secure in many ways as there is lot of people to lool after.If anyone falls sick so other member will take care of him and you also feel safe where as in nuclear family u will feel insecure as you are living alone else no one is there check the secuirity.And if incase you fall sick there will be no one to looks after.

In joint family work is divided and each member will do its respective duty but in nuclear family one person has to perform so many duties.In joint family  there are lots of people so you may talk to each other and time will pass very well,but in nuclear family when u will get free after doing all your work there will be no one to talk then u mostly spend your time on social media and cell phones.

Though joint families has many advantages but it not always work out.As everyone has their own prospective and  point of view,and sometimes his difference leads to a conflict which create a tension upon whole family.People also fight for  property which lead to separation of the property and people of the family.

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