julius caesar important questions
Why calpernia did not want Caesar to go to the senate house?
How was Antony’s speech better than Brutus
How did Decius Brutus Change calpernias dream
Why is Cassius not in favor of Antony addressing the roman mob?
Cassius did not want Brutus to allow Antony to address the Roman mob on his funeral for the following reasons:
1. He knew Antony was Caesar’s true friend and could speak the truth about Caesar’s assassination which could make Romans against them.
2. He also knew Antony was a great speaker who could change people’s thinking and perspective through his rhetoric.
3. He did not like Antony. Earlier while the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar had been hatched at Brutus’s place, he had proposed to kill Antony also. But Brutus had objected to it.
Why does ANTONY refer to Brutus' cut as the most unkindest cut of all?
Antony refers to Brutus’s cut as the most unkindest cut because he wanted the Roman crowd to know how Brutus cheated Caesar by becoming part of the conspiracy. He also wanted to remind the Romans how dearly Caesar loved Brutus. Thus by explaining in detail the role of Brutus in Caesar’s assassination he wanted to infuriate Romans against Brutus and take revenge.
Where does the mighty Caesar lie after assassination?
Mighty Caesar’s corpse lay at the Senate House at the foot of Pompey’s statue. Senators such as Cassius, Brutus, Cinna, Casca, Metellus Cimber, etc. had just assassinated Caesar. Antony had come to make peace with the conspirators till the right time he could take revenge from the conspirators. When Antony entered the Senate House and saw Caesar’s body lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, he made this statement: ‘O mighty Caesar dost thou lie so low…’
How was Roman crowd fickle-minded?
It is quite true Roman crowd in the play Julius Caesar has been depicted as fickle-minded. At the beginning of the play the crowd was all praise for Caesar. After hatching the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar, the conspirators won Marcus Brutus to their side as the Roman people loved him and Caesar’s assassination could be justified with Brutus on their side; as expected the Roman crowd did not react to Caesar’s assassination.
When Brutus gave public explanation about Caesar’s assassination, the crowd praised Brutus and his conspirators and judged the assassination as justified. However, after Brutus’s speech, when Antony brought truth and proofs of Caesar’s greatness in front of the Roman crowd, it felt Caesar had been wronged. Antony succeeded in inciting the crowd against the conspirators. Thus, we see the fickle-minded nature of Roman crowd.
Compare and contrast the characters of Brutus and Mark Antony .
When we compare Brutus’s and Mark Antony’s characters, we find Antony to be better in many areas.
Both of them were Caesar’s close friends; but Antony remained loyal to Caesar even after his death; but Brutus cheated Caesar who was his very close friend.
Brutus was a sentimental fool; knowing this weakness, Cassius took advantage of it and won him to his side and succeeded in making him part of the conspiracy against Caesar. Cassius knew Antony’s loyalty to Caesar was strong and deep. So, he did not think even to approach Antony.
Antony knew how to control his emotions. Though, after the murder he was deeply hurt and angered, yet he controlled his emotions, and did not let the conspirators know his intentions.
Antony made a clever plan that could only work because of Brutus’s foolishness. If Brutus had not allowed Antony to give Caesar’s funeral speech, all conspirators would have been alive.
In conclusion it can be said Antony was a far better human being than Brutus.