julius caser summary
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its a play written by shakespear, in this caesar was a very powerful man in rome and he had 2 best friends Antony, and Brutus and his wiges name was calpurnia. One day when caesar's enemies were making a plan to kill him they inclided his best frnds antony said no and went from there but they were succesful in convincing brutus they told him that if caesar will become the king then he will be very bad king and etc. Tht night calpurnia saw a drean in which there was huge statue of caesar and fountains of blood were inside it and people of rome were washing there hands in it then when the next day calpurnia told all this to caesar and wnted him to stay at home caesar agreed and satyed at home but brutus came and he disintrprtd the dream and took caesar with him. Then his enemies killed him and at that tym antiny came and then at the last times of caeser he told brutus that only once he want to speak to people of rome about caesar then when he went to the people of rome he gave such a wonderfull speach that all of the people wantes to kill brutus and other enemies of caesar. Hope it help its a bit lengthy i know.
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