CBSE BOARD XII, asked by purple16, 1 year ago

Jumble words in தமிழ் 1.றுபில்தத்னுன் 2.க்போகுருகுட்மடா 3.த்ல்தயகடுதுபமை 4. கப்வெதுபம்
jumble words in Tamil​


Answered by mariospartan


1) பின்னுறுத்தல்

2) குருட்டாம்போக்கு

3) மையகபடுத்துதல்

4 ) வெப்பதுகம்

To solve any puzzle related to vocabulary, we need to get updated with lots of words and if possible along with the meaning, so that we can enjoy while we learn and better understand the content. It is necessary to learn lots of news papers and magazines to speak with enriched vocabularies. We must also solve lots of puzzle which are coming in magazines and online to test our skill and learn new words.

To Know More:

I am seven Letters word I like morningsSOLVE PUZZLE...

I am a 7 letter word.

I like mornings

If you remove my 1st letter you can drink me

If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters you may not like me

If you remove my last letter, you will see me on television

Answer is really very interesting

Let us see who solves this....

Take a break and solve this puzzle..

A king asks a learned man to visit his palace. The man says I will come any day next month. But give me gold in gms equal to the date on which I come. The king asks the jeweler to make rings of 1 to 31 gms. The jeweler was smart and makes only 5 rings. What was the weights of those rings?

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