just 5 questions fill in the blanks

first ka answer. a globe
1- about 23.5 degrees
2-A globe is a three-dimensional scale model of Earth, the only geographical representation suffering no distortion. Although the planet Earth is more frequently represented, there are models of the Sun, Moon and other planets, including some fictitious. ... A globe has sometimes relief, showing topography.
3- The North Pole and the South Pole is marked 90 degree North and 90 degree South respectively. Arctic Circle and Tropic of Cancer parallel lie between North Pole and the equator.
Parallels Meridians
The first parallel is the equator. It is latitude 0. Greenwich is the prime meridian (0°)
4-Betts | View Edit History. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the name for mean solar time of the longitude (0°) of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in England. The meridian at this longitude is called the prime meridian or Greenwich meridian.
5-The line at 0° latitude is called the equator. Lines of Latitude are called parallels because the lines parallel, or run in the same direction as the equator. Lines of Longitude intersect the equator at right angles but end at the North and the South Poles.