English, asked by amarranipani, 1 year ago

Just a Minute speech on Tribute to My Parents..


Answered by narsingsudha5


The sacrifices, beliefs, and values parents implant in their children will help determine the person they grow up to be. A child is like a sponge that absorbs their parent's thoughts and viewpoints that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Parents make great sacrifices for the care of their children. Day after day, parents protect their children from danger, attend their cries, and reassure their children after a bad dream. Parents give up many necessities for their children everyday. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, the father displays the sacrifices he makes for this son. The father's "cracked hand that ached", shows he sacrificed pain and discomfort for this child (576). The father takes no thought for this own confront. Also, self- sacrificing this own warmth so his child could wake up to a warm house. The father would get up in the "blueblack cold", to make a fire (576). The sacrifices parents make for their children will have an impact on them when they become parents.

Beliefs are taught to children in subtle ways such as just listening to their parent's conversations. It's not uncommon to overhear a child explain something as being absolutely true because what their parents have told them. In the poem "The Victims" by Sharon Olds, the children hated their father because of the beliefs the mother instilled in her children. Their mother "taught us [them] to take it, to hate you..."(830). The children pick up the hate the mother had against their father and this begun the hatred for their father. In "The Death of a Salesman", the father sets a foundation of beliefs for his son Biff. The father believes that all it takes to be successful in life is to be well liked.

Answered by mahimapanday53

Concept: Speech is the vocal form of language used by humans. All English words sound different from all French words, even though they are the same word, such as "role" or "hotel," because each language uses phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds to create the sound of its words. These words are then used in their semantic character as words in a language's lexicon according to the syntactic constraints that govern how lexical words function in a sentence.

Speaking involves a variety of deliberate speech acts, such as informing, declaring, inquiring, persuading, and directing, and speakers can transmit meaning through enunciation, intonation, volume levels, tempo, and other non-representational or paralinguistic features of vocalisation. Speakers unintentionally convey a variety of characteristics related to their social standing through their speech, such as sex, age, place of origin (through accent), physical states (vigour, alertness, weakness, health, and illness), psychological states (emotions or moods), physico-psychological states (sobriety, intoxication, normal consciousness, and trance states), education or experience, and the like.

Given: Tribute to My Parents

To find: speech on Tribute to My Parents

Solution: speech on Tribute to My Parents is as follows:

Dear Dad and Mom,

We appreciate you showing your kids how to love and care for others. Thank you, Mom, for always being there. For example, when you might have been the only parent there at a track meet. I appreciate you, Dad, setting an example of hard work and morality the summer I worked with you. I still recall that sweltering day when we visited a Dairy Queen on Bannister Road for a blackberry milkshake. Mom, thank you for turning our house into a home. When I first tasted strawberry preserves, I was visiting my friend Chuck French at the time. I informed you with excitement, and you said, "Well, I'll get you some!"

Dad, I'm grateful for your unconditional love for our family despite your difficulty in expressing it. I clearly recall our 1967 journey to the West Coast to visit Mike and coming back with Mom and Genelle (you stayed home because you had to work). You were so ecstatic to see us at the train station that I believe it was the first time I had witnessed you weep. I appreciate how quickly you leave the house to welcome us whenever we come to visit, Mom. And every time we have to say "goodbye," I can see you waving to us until we are no more in each other's line of sight.

I appreciate your personal call of support when I was a dejected college student, as well as the great letter you wrote to me years later while you were working in China. Even now, I still treasure that letter! I appreciate your patience with me during my trying teenage years. I appreciate you praising me. That's something you say a lot, and it really means a lot to me! I appreciate your prayers, both of you. I'm writing you this tribute to express my gratitude and my love for being your child.

Your son,



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