English, asked by saimaqatar29, 5 hours ago

Just A Minute Speech


Answered by llPresciousLilyll


Failure is part of life, and most certainly part of business. We don't often acknowledge it, but failure is also a fundamental element of our success.

Our instinct is to be ashamed of failure, maybe because we don't like how it makes us feel--humiliated, as though we have done something wrong.

But if you can shift your perspective and look at failure not as something to be ashamed of but something valuable, you can begin to understand that it's through failure that we truly learn to succeed.

The sooner we stop shaming our failures, the easier it will be to turn them to our advantage.



Answered by Anonymous


Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

today I am going to talk about turning FAILURE INTO SUCCESS

What if, starting today, you weren't afraid of failure and the word 'no' didn't stop you anymore? What if you realized that failure is the secret to success? As a matter of fact, it often is. Ask any high achiever in business (or in life) and they will likely tell you that some of their greatest accomplishments came from turning failures into successes.

The word 'no' doesn't have to debilitate you. In fact, it can empower you to achieve a whole new level of greatness you never dreamed possible. You might think this is just a sales strategy, but in fact it is a life philosophy as well.

Whether we define ourselves as salespeople or not, we are all engaged in the sales process. We all must overcome fears of failure and rejection to be successful and achieve what we want. Here are five top secrets to help you turn failure into success immediately!

Most people operate with the following mental model:


They see themselves in the middle, with success on one end and failure on the other. They do everything they can to move toward success and away from failure. But, what if you reconfigured that model?


Instead of viewing failure as something to be avoided, turn it into a "stepping-stone" on the path to success and gratification. In other words: Success is the destination. Failure is how you get there.

To achieve significant success in today's world, failure is not just a possibility. It's a requirement. We must see success and failure for what they truly are. They're not opposites but instead opposite sides of the same coin.

If it's true that the more we fail, the more we succeed (and it is), then your immediate goal should be to intentionally increase your failure rate! With this thought in mind, you're succeeding even when you fail. Yes, this is a counter-intuitive, reverse thinking philosophy, but believe it or not it works!

Intentionally increasing failure is the basis for the "Go for No" concept. "Go for No" means the more people tell you "no," the closer you will get to ultimate success.

In other words, the more people telling you "no" now, the more people will say "yes" in the long term. If they actually counted the number of times they hear "no" during a typical day or week, most people would be shocked to see how low the number actually is. Go ahead and try it!

Everyone sets success goals. But how about setting goals for the number of times we fail? For example, rather than a salesperson setting the goal of having two prospects say "yes" to them, they set the goal of being rejected (hearing "no") 10 times. Imagine the first two prospects they called on said, "Yes!" Rather than being done (having hit their "yes" goal), they'd actually be behind because they still have 10 "no's" to go!

The other exciting aspect of this strategy is how it keeps people "in the game" when they're "red hot." If all you have is yes goals and then you slow down (or quit) when you're successful, the hot streak ends. But if you keep going when the yeses of life are falling at your feet, the sky is the limit!

It's natural to be excited about our successes. Yes, you want to celebrate them. Yes, you want to give yourself a reward or even throw a party. But, if the key to success is to increase our failures, then it only makes sense to celebrate our set backs as well.

Yes, you heard right: if someone turns you down, instead of mentally punishing yourself for not succeeding, reward yourself for making the effort by buying an ice cream cone or specialty coffee and say, "I'm one step closer to success!" Stop letting failure have the negative hold it has on your thoughts and emotions.

thank you

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