Just give me answer of Q-5 and Q-6.
Write properly because you can get 100 points by just answering 2 questions.
Wrong answer will be reported and your points will decrease.

1) the process of becoming bigger, stronger, better etc., or of making somebody/something do this...
2) per capita income is the most important components for comparing different countries.
3) Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age. The rate for a given region is the number of children dying under one year of age, divided by the number of live births during the year, multiplied by 1,000.
4) Per capita income (PCI) or average income measures the average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country, etc.) in a specified year. It is calculated by dividing the area's total income by its total population.
5) Kerala has low infant mortality rate because it mainly concentrates on human resource development. It has also made many provisions on developing the quality of education and medicl facilities
5) It is true that development for one may not be development for the other.
(i) More wages means development for a worker, but it can go against the entrepreneur.
(ii) A rich farmer or trader wants to sell food grains at a higher price but a poor worker wants to purchase it for low prices.
(iii) Construction of a dam means more and cheap power, but people, who will lose their habitat will demonstrate.
(iv) To get more electricity, the industrialists may want more dams. But this may submerge the agricultural land, and disrupt the lives of the people.
6) This is very true, and I'll tell u the reason why,
Money cannot ensure certain aspects in our life such as Pollution - free environment, Unadulterated medicines in the market, protection from infectious diseases.
Hence, money in our pocket cannot buy all the goods and services which we need to live.
Hope it helps......