Justify the statement that 'Rusting of iron is corrosion and it is a chemical change"
A thin layer of Iron oxide is formed on the surface. ... rusting is a chemical change because in this process iron in contact with air and moisture get converted into rust which is a new substance and it not reversible. therefore rusting is a chemical change.
As grey iron gets converted to rust coloured oxide, it is a chemical change.
A physical change is defined as a change in which there is alteration in shape, size etc. No new substance gets formed in these reactions.
Example: Melting of ice
A chemical change is defined as a change in which a change in chemical composition takes place. A new substance is formed in these reactions.
Chemical changes are accompanied by following changes:
a) formation of precipitate
b) release or absorption of energy
c) formation of gas
d) change in color
Example: Rusting of iron

according to the statement it is correct
Rusting of iron is corrosion and it is a chemical change because in corrosion metals will lose their properties.
means in the case of rusting iron is exposed to moisture by this iron will be oxidized and turned into brownish colour.
Generally Corrosion is oxidation reaction.
corrosion will happen in moisture air and water