Justify the title the browning version
The Browning Version by Terence Rattigan represents the conversation between Mr. Frank, a teacher, and Taplow who is a student. From the conversation, we learn that Taplow was performing extra duty as a punishment from his teacher Mr. Crocker-Harris. We learn much about Crocker-Harris through the Taplow's conversation, in which according to Taplow Mr. Harris is a different teacher and 'hardly human'. When Taplow asks for his result from Mr. Crocker Harris he replies that he has given what he deserves “No less, and certainly no more”. Mr. Frank envying Mr. Crocker Harris asks Taplow if he beat his students. To which further Taplow informs that unlike other teachers he is not a sadist. Mr. Crocker Harris would never take out his frustration by beating students and that in spite he being heartless, he is liked by Taplow.