Justify the title" the theif story" ?
In this story, there was a boy named Hari Singh who met Anil and started to work for him as Anil trusts him and employs him. The story focuses on basic human values and relationships. It is easier for a thief to burgle a greedy man. It is difficult even for a thief to burgle a careless and honest person. In this story Hari Singh robbed Anil and run away but he don't want to break Anil's trust. So he came back with the money. Anil knew that he robbed his money and put it back also. He didn't show any reaction as he knew that if he will hand Hari to the police then fro. a little robber he will become a criminal and even a murderer. So he don't show anything and gave him a 50 rupee note and told him that he will teach him. Anil thought that despite of showing anger he should educate him and that what he does.
Hope it helps..........