English, asked by dipakmandal2015, 23 hours ago

K. Change the following sentences from passive to active voice. One has been done
for you
1. History is taught by Mr Munshi,
Mr Munshi teaches history
2. The prisoner was set free by the guard.
3. The bone was eaten by the dog.
4. The paintings were completed by the little girls.
5. The bus was driven by a young man.
6. Gandhiji is admired by everyone.
7. The books are contained in the shelf.
8. The documents were examined by the lawyer.
9. He has hardly been given any important task by his seniors.
10. Will we be provided free food and lodging during our trip?
11. Why are some people treated unfairly in life?
12. Mahi was asked to stay back till she finished her classwork.​


Answered by vinodgube123


the guard set the prisoner free

the dig ate the bone

the little girls completed the paintings

a young man drove the bus

everyone admires gandhiji

the lawyer examined the documents

his seniors have hardly given him any important task

will they provide us free food and lodging during our trip ?

why do you treat some people unfairly in life ?

she asked mahi to stay back till she finished her classwork

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