Social Sciences, asked by rajarameezrather1234, 7 months ago

Pares extend From Canada to Mexico
fraries in the French means highlanes
in the spring season grass grow slowly and turns into the
e soil of Praines is dark and fertile
me ranches are looked after by sturdy men called cowboys.
Mexico is an important centre for slaughting animals​


Answered by AshayPrashantPawar


At the time of colonial settlement there was extensive grassland from the prairies of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico on mainly level topography. Great Plains grassland is in three strips running north-south: tall-grass, mixed -grass and short-grass, with the tall-grass in the better watered west. Precipitation increase from west to east (320 to 900 mm) is the main factor governing primary productivity; periodic droughts occur. Bison, the dominant large herbivore until the mid-nineteenth century, have largely been replaced by cattle. About half of the beef cattle in the United States of America are in the Great Plains. Woody vegetation types are embedded, with the trees varying according to latitude. C4 species comprise more than 80 percent from 30° to 42°N, while C3 species increase dramatically north of 42°N. Only 1 percent of the tall-grass remains; half of the short-grass is uncultivated; unproductive cropland is being put back to grass. Cattle predominate; sheep are far fewer and declining. Most land is privately owned, much in small farms. There is extensive ranching in dry areas. Grazing is seasonal, especially in the north with supplemental feed in winter. In favourable areas, sown pasture are used sometimes alongside range grazing. Rotational grazing is common, although research results on its advantage are mixed. Fire is used to suppress undesirable plants and increase fodder production. Grassland monitoring includes long-term ecological research sites. Introduced plants can cause problems: Euphorbia esula is an aggressive weed and Bromus japonicus often competes with native grasses. Many small operations are no longer economically viable, so many are being abandoned. Livestock enterprises should remain viable, although they have to compete with systems based on forage grown under irrigation.

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