English, asked by lathisha9a, 3 months ago

केमिकल फार्मूला ऑफ सब्सटेंस द टू यूजेस ऑफ प्रिजर्वेटिव्स​


Answered by shabanashah


Chemical preservatives can act as antioxidants which make food more acidic, reduce the moisture level of food, decrease the speed of ripening procedure and prevent the growth of microorganisms on a diet, all of these procedures help the food last longer. After the preservation of food, the manufacturing capacity is increased, and it will help the industry to boom, especially in the food industry. The industries can't use natural preservatives so much as they are too costly. As a result, they use artificial preservation techniques also. The chemical preservatives generally do artificial preservation. Now, it is clearly understood why preservatives are beneficial.

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