Math, asked by vivekrajChauhan, 10 months ago

क्रय मूल्य क्या है ?
| जब दो वस्तुएं समान मूल्य पर बेची जाए
- 83. एक व्यक्ति दो कुर्सियां 120 प्रति कुर्सी की दर से बेचता है. तदनुसार एक कुर्सी पर 25% लाभ कमाता है और दूसरे पर
25% हानि उठाता है, इस प्रकार उस व्यक्ति की कुल हानि ने कितने रुपए की है ?


Answered by kamranubkr


What is the purchase price? <br /> | When two items are sold for the same value <br /> - 83. One person sells two chairs at a rate of 120 per chair. Accordingly, a chair is 25%

1 42. On the selling of a heater on the profit of 5% and 75%, the difference in the <br /> value is 1.25 rupees. The purchase price of the heater is - <br />

The height of a cluster is 30cm h of the total height at the top of the cluster

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