Roll No.
Read the
peacock has a ben
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the pattern of the
Peacock is the
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The male or
The tail is
his body as
has a train
Max. Marks
the following passage carefully:
benutiful train of feathers which he displays during the breeding season. It usually attracts
Teacher's Sign
ales by such display, but as soon as any of them approaches, it turns its back. The reason for
er behaviour is not clear. But it is certain that this is done to woo the female. In Greek mythology,
(8 marks)
of the peacock's tail feathers represents the eyes of Argus - a giant with 100 eyes.
the national bird of India. It belongs to the family phasianidae. Strictly speaking, the male is a
the female is a peahen. Both are together known as peafowl. There are two species of peafowl.
India and Sri Lanka and is blue in colour. The other species is found in South-East Asia.
green in colour. In fact, peacock 18 a native of Asia and the East Indies from where it has been
ught to other parts of the world.
le of both species has a 75 cm long body and 150 cm long tail. The female is smaller than the male.
wil is made up of beautiful feathers. In display, the peacock lifts its tail, brings it forward, enveloping
du as he struts and quivers, audibly rattling the quills and uttering loud screams. Generally, a peacock
train of upto 150 tail feathers, which are erected by it in display to form a showy fan.
blue peacock's body is metallic blue green. The green peacock has a green and bronze body. The hens
th species are green and brown. They do not have the train of feathers or 'crown' on them.
(Source: Children's Knowledge Bar
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the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief: (1 x 8 = 8 ma
What peculiar behaviour of the peacock has been described in the first paragraph?
The peacock's tail feathers resemble the eyes of Argus. Who is Argus?
Name the family which the peacock belongs to. What are the peacock and peahen together kn
4 Describe the two species of peafowl.
From where has peacock been brought to other parts of the world?
What is the peacock's tail made of? How does the peacock display it?
2 A peacock has a train of how many tail feathers? Why does it erect them?
& What do you know about the hens of the blue and green peacocks?
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question is very confusing ...it is not clear ...
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